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Terry’s Creek News

Catherine Brown

Donuts on Cake

Had a wonderful Lord’s Day last Sunday as we met to worship our Lord. After the morning message, we had the Observance of the Lord’s Supper. Met again Sunday evening for another time to praise our Lord.

Singing the special music Sunday morning was Merri Burrow. She shared the special “Wonderful, Merciful Savior”; and Sunday evening Brent Robinson sang the special “One Day At A Time.” Both specials were beautiful. Was a wonderful day to have been in the House of our Lord.

Our Summer Revival begins Friday night at 6:30 pm and continues Saturday night at 6:30 pm. Sunday will have Sunday School beginning at 9:30 am; morning worship at 10:30 am; covered dish luncheon at 11:30 am; and afternoon service at12:30 pm. Revival speaker will be Rev. Brandon Lynch; and leading music will be Nikki Lynch. Come join us in this time of worship.

We were happy to have Evelyn Owen Stockwell join our Church last Sunday and will be baptized this Sunday. She and Tom Stockwell were married a few weeks ago.

Keep Carey Ensminger in your prayers. He had fell and had to have surgery but is back at home now. Also be in prayer for his wife Sue as she takes care of him.

Gerald Ray Lea had to go into the hospital in Jackson for a problem but at this time he is back home. Keep him and his wife Debbie in your prayers.

Also be in prayer for all our members and friends who are in Camellia Estates -- Hilton Myers, Clyde Goudeau, Paul Reeves, Melvyn Rhodus, and JoAnn Cook.

Keep Kyley Boyd in your prayers. He is at his home but still needs our prayers.

Golden Ager of the Week is Beverly Stewart so remember her in prayer, or send a card or visit with her.

Happy Birthday to Gaye Anglin Hastings July 17; Lani Simmons July 19; Chris Myers, Rev. LaVerne Summer-lin, and Regan Lee July 20; Bobby Easley, and Dennis Knight July 21.

May God bless you and keep you in His Care.

Donuts on Cake
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